Craftsy- Best place on the net for discount craft supplies!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Top 5 things teacher's want for Christmas.

Dear Santa, Couldn't you have gone with the usual lump of coal? You had to give teachers a full moon the week before Christmas Break? Seriously Santa????

Teacher gifts are NEVER expected....EVER!

With that being said I am sure you do the same thing I do at this time of year and think- OMG what am I going to get her/him?!?!  Here are a few ideas that may be helpful!

Here is a list based on items I have received in my 10+ years as a teacher.  I always LOVED everything that came from my students.  Although my favorite were handmade items- but that's just me.

What NOT to get teachers....
1. candles- I have enough to light every room in my house continually from Christmas to New Years. They are pretty and smell divine but if I have to store it then I may not keep it.

2. Christmas knick nacks- Yes they are cute and sweet and that snowman is just darling but I have a whole tree of ornaments my children have made and probably enough to furnish another tree.

3. Homemade food- as yummy as the looked when you sent them to school is usually not how they looked after they made it out of the backpack.  Sometimes I was lucky and was able to salvage some items but most likely not.  Book bags get squished- it happens.  I had a student bring me a sheet cake in her backpack once......The back pack was on her back....upright.  Yeah, probably not a good idea unless brought in by a parent.  

4. Clothing- In particular pins! I have a ton in every imaginable shape and size.  Cute yes- storage- no.

What to get teachers...

1. New supplies:
Yes we are nerds.  That's why we are teachers.  We love new pencils, sticky notes, markers and YES! Mr. Sketchy markers! Buy in October when items are on clearance and fill a gift bag for your teachers.  They will LOVE you forever!

2. Gift Certificates:
Contrary to popular belief we do not live in the school.  We LOVE to go out to dinner or maybe for a surprise pedicure.  A GC for Barnes and Nobles is perfect! Just the right size.  Any coffee house GC is awesome too! One year my students gave me a GC for a local ice cream parlor- YUMMY! If the teacher has kids give them a GC for a place they can take their kids.  Free family time is awesome!

3. Handmade items:
 I LOVE handmade items from students or from their parents. Handmade scarf, lap quilt, mittens, hat.  I have even received a handmade doll from a parent who had a doll making business.  

4. ANYTHING with our name on it!:
I had a student make me a desk plate one year.  Thought it was the coolest thing ever.  The parent didn't think it took a lot of time but I LOVED it.

That never gets old.  Yes.....chocolate.  We all need chocolate.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Craft room insanity!

You need what? ......When? .......oh boy!

That's usually how my crafting conversations go.  It's not because I can't figure out what to make or how to create it but my problem is just to the right of the front door.  The room that everyone pretty much ignores unless we have to make something.  The craft room.

Now my intentions are good.  I usually clean and organize this room right before Christmas on the one blessed snow day we usually get.  I tackle that room with 2 garbage bags and a boatload of Christmas songs.   Only this year, it's December 18th and we didn't have any snow days yet. (hence the Oh boy!)

My daughter's classroom teacher emailed me a few weeks ago asking if I could come up with a craft for their Christmas party.  If course, being the Krafty Teacherz I said yes and began my Pinterest search. I came across several awesome ideas (see Amazing-holiday-just-saying entry) and I decided to do the snowman finger prints.  I thought they were cool and something just a little unique (apparently the teacher's I work with did so too since I ended up seeing more of these snowmen than I ever thought possible)

Maybe it's me- As a mom I would LOVE to have ornaments  made by my child for every year they are in school.  As a teacher I barely had time for the curriculum never mind the "fun" stuff.  I didn't do a whole lot of crafts when I had a classroom and for that I give my deepest and sincerest apologies to not only my students but to their parents who were hoping for a little something sweet made from their little cherub and I dropped the ball.  I could think of a lot of excuses and many of them would apply but the truth of the matter is that I chose education over crafts.  I chose to work my little kiddos right up until the last bell of vacation.  don't get me wrong I did let them have holiday parties and birthday parties but for the most part I had to get the curriculum in.  I wish I did it differently.  I wish I'd let them have practice holding a scissors.  Even fourth graders have trouble with the grasp and accuracy of that hard-to-master-yet-looks-so-easy-tool.  I wish I gave them time to develop their creativity and was able to see their vision of the the world.  I know I must have done some classroom art projects with them but I just can't seem to remember.  I hope they do and I hope they liked whatever project it was.  

It took me a long time to realize how important this was.  My son was growing up during my first few years of teaching and somehow I didn't seem to notice the lack of trinkets.   His daycare sent home plenty of adorable ornaments and poems.  I don't know I missed not getting an ornament while he was in elementary school.  I just know that one day while my daughter was in Kindergarten I received her beautiful handcrafted ornament and I was shocked that it took me so long to realize what I had been missing.  Luckily we had moved to a new town after my daughter was born and the K and 1 teacher's both believed in making class ornaments.   When I received the email from the 2nd grade teacher I knew that I HAD to do an ornament.  She did not specify, but for me it was a definite.  We were doing an ornament...period.

Tomorrow is the big day.   I took a 1/2 day off from work because this is important.  Not that teaching my inner city kids is not, but, sometimes you need to put your family first and do what needs to be done.  I can't wait to see her excitement when I walk in the door.  Little doodlebug is going to be so excited that her Mama is in school and helping with this craft.  I have an awesome co-room mom who stepped in to help me and is totally on board with what we are creating.  I think she may even be more excited than I am!

I'll post the final result tomorrow but as for now please remember to take the time and do something with your students,  Something creative and fun.  They are learning so many skills and it gives you the opportunity to learn so much about their world.

As for my craft room....yeah it's still a mess.  Guess I'll have to do the same thing I did for Halloween- sew up some curtains and cover the entryway!    

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

8 more days and the Freak in the foyer will be gone for the year!

Here are some of the greatest elf on the shelf ideas for you to try!

Yes 8 more days until I can finally go to bed without bolting upright thinking "Crap! I forgot to move the elf again!" THANK GOODNESS!

It's not that I don't like the elf.  He is cute in a pixie meets Kewpie kind of way.  It's the constant pressure of finding cool places for him to turn up.  Just moving to different spots would suffice but NO! Now friends are posting the tiny little devil in the "bathtub", going fishing for goldfish crackers and yes even taking a cruise with Barbie.

You would think that with having an pseudonym like Krafty I would have all sorts of ideas up my sleeve....well I don't.  I suck at this! Most nights I can barely remember to undress before bed never mind remember to move the demon leprechaun from ....(well you know).  I rely on looking at friends posts and copy their ideas from the night before and praying that their kid didn't tell my kid what theirs did.

Elf on the Shelf Ideas – Toilet Paper Snowman Elf and other funny elf on the shelf ideas all November and December until Christmas. FREE Printable Notes Too!

<--- More ideas- I think this is the best?

In my attempt to alleviate some of this burden I recruited my older son to be the mover of the elf.  He had some great ideas but I would hardly think my daughter would enjoy seeing her precious elf wrapped in duct tape and surrounded by army men.  In a good attempt oldest child moved the elf and proceeded to open EVERY cabinet door.  Every door.  Youngest child was amazed! She thought it was the funniest thing since she the time caught her grandmother passing gas. (true story)  Well who ended up closing all those doors and drawers?  Not the weird-o in the red leotard that's for sure,

Well eight more days.  Eight more days until our funny little elf disappears and leaves behind a present for our family on Christmas eve- PJ's.  Now I can't complain about the PJ's.  Let me tell you know this tradition started....

On my eldest child's first Christmas I was so excited to have him open his presents.  Hubby surprised me with my first digital camera and It was perfect.  Little junior amazed at the Christmas tree.  In his 8 months he had never seen anything like it and playing with the packages was so much fun! Well hubby decided that he was NOT going to wear a T shirt or PJ's for the opening of gifts.  "That's silly- We are the only ones here- Who's gonna know that I am in my briefs"  Well sunshine, guess what...EVERYONE knows! Who do you think held my beautiful and happy baby boy as he tore open his gifts? Who showed him how to play with the toys as mom snapped a photo of every single moment of Christmas morning? Oh yes- Underwear Daddy!  Thank goodness for photo editing.  I wonder if I can photo shop the Sasquatch chest hair too?  

So now our friendly house elf leaves four beautifully decorated packages filled with brand new jammies for Christmas eve and all is good in our home...until next Thanksgiving.      

Monday, December 15, 2014

Observation Procrastination

What is wrong with me? Am I the only person who procrastinates every time I have an observation? I have a pre-observation phone meeting tonight with my principal and do I have anything set? NOPE!

I know what I am planning on doing with my kiddos and BELIEVE ME I am not resting on my laurels.  I have in my head what I want to do and by tomorrow night everything will be written out nice and pretty-like and all my papers will be copied and what needs to be laminated will be all set and ready to go.  (Thank you personal at home laminator I purchased on using my Ebates)

Then during the observation the small group I am working with will look at me in confusion.  (OMG!) I will think "Why don't they get it? Was I too fast? Are they bored and this is their bored look? Is this too easy?"  Eventually at some point I will end up switching gears and going in a completely different direction from intended lesson- leaving behind those beautifully laminated and hand colored cards.

Why do I leave it behind? Because my students NEED ME.  They need the real me that they know- not this Stepford teacher that doles out stickers like lollipops at the bank.  They need me to laugh, rumple their hair, and make the crazy faces I do when teaching my little cherubs.  This is how they learn.  In my stomach I will feel like I screwed up because I deviated from the lesson.  I'll think "oh Crap! Now i'll have to document WHY I deviated" but in the end my kiddos will win.  They will walk away from the group with a smile on their little faces and a few stickers.  I will have a sweat stain on my blouse and a pit of doom in my stomach.

Why does being observed have to be so gut-wrenching? Why can I create/publish my own blog, create quality teaching materials from scratch, and figure out how Adsense works yet I can't navigate Bloomboard?  I feel like such an idiot!  I know my stuff yet to get me to try and verbalize my thinking and I sound like porky pig on fast forward.

My hopes and prayers are that my boss gets it.  Fingers crossed that she is one of those awesome people that really and truly get how unique our position is and how thinking on our feet is a necessity. Lesson plans are a good guide but real teaching is student driven.  Sometimes that is forgotten.

Heading off to prepare SOMETHING for my phone call.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I have a second grader in Connecticut

Good evening.

On this night of 12-14-2014 I am cuddling with my daughter.  We cuddle together most nights but tonight is special.  You see, today was the second year anniversary of the second worst school shooting in America.  The only school shooting ever in Connecticut.  As she snuggles in closer and her kitty creeps onto the bed I am thinking of those children.  Those forever babies that will never be home to cuddle with their moms and kitty's again.

My daughter is in second grade.  Yes- the year of the Sandy Hook school shooting she was in Kindergarten.  Just like those babies.  Although we live 45 minutes away from Sandy Hook there are constant reminders.  The security guard posted in my school foyer, the classroom keys I am given because the doors are always locked and I need to get in somehow, the magnetic strips that cover the locking mechanism on the door.  All of these are small results of that fateful day.  

Someone very close to me was a first responder to Sandy Hook Elementary that day.  He was there before the children were removed from the school and stayed until the investigation was over.  Two years later and he still has a rough time processing what happened.

 It infuriates me whenever a new conspiracy theory is released regarding that day.  Stemming form initial reports made from ill informed news media outlets theorists think they KNOW what happened.  They know nothing.  They don't know what happened because as they publish their work of fiction from the "apartment" over their mamma's garage my friend was there physically on the grounds and in the melee of frantic parents praying for a glimpse of their child.  My friend has seen things that he can NEVER unsee.  Nightmares that are so real and unavoidable.  

No Sandy Hook was not a hoax.  We lost so many beautiful lives that day but thanks to the quick thinking of the principal and office staff so MANY more were saved.  God bless them all.  

Hug your kids a little closer tonight and even though they are giving you a rough time going to bed, (like mine is right now) count your blessings.  At least they are here and able to hug/kiss/snuggle.

Amazing Holiday & DIY classroom ornaments- Just saying!

Hey there! Again it's taking me way too long to post.  It's not because posting has not been on my mind but quite the opposite.  I have been so involved in our school's craft fair and now I'm on to obsessive over my classroom observation.  I have no idea why I thought it would be a great to schedule both within 7 days (actually withing 5 days) but apparently I am a glutton for punishment.  I guess maybe I could go for the sympathy vote??? Who knows.

Anyway- during this whole craft fair process I have become acquainted with so many cute ideas to do in the classroom.  I would LOVE to do all of these but being a travelling teacher I rarely have time for one craft a year.

The first little nugget I found is something that I am actually doing in my daughters classroom on Friday (yes can I squeeze one more thing in??)

handprint snowmen on clear ornaments then fill them with tinsel. So pretty. these might be out ornaments this year.

In an ideal world I would LOVE to do this! A variation would be to use magnets- Just something a little different.  


This cutie pie is made with dried glue! 

Cute 'melted snowman' ornament to make. It's just dried glue, and would be fun to make with kids..... 5 cute and easy ornament ideas too!

Keeping this one a large photo because shortening it would not do it justice! 
Key Snowman ornaments - I have to do this for next year - have LOTS of old keys.

All of these are so adorable and fairly easy to make.  I love being able to have students bring in items from home to make their craft.  It just shows them that a craft can be made from anything.  They don't have to make a special trip to the local big box store to make something cool.  

PS- As far as my awesome holiday- I HAVE to share that I have been starting to use Ebates and have been getting back $ hand over fist! Seriously.  Just got back $20. on my last shopping order.   Here is my referral link if you are interested.  Takes 10 seconds to sign up and you can shop at all your normal stores.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Krafty teacherz @ TPT

Tomorrow is Cyber Monday at Teachers Pay Teachers and the deals are going to be awesome!  You get 28% off when you use code TPTCYBER!  Empty out that wish list...treat yourself to all those awesome products you know you are going to need and use after the holidays!

Here are some of my newest products that you can use in your classroom year round! Get it now while it's on sale! Be sure to click on the photo to bring you to my page! 

Sight Word Build Up Kindergarten

Very cute activity where students read sight words (pre-printed) write them, then either build them with tiles or stamps.  I've used this with my students and they LOVE it! Click on the photo to take you to the page. 

I Have/ Who Has Sight  words
This is my most popular game! I have sold about 20 of these in the past 3 months! This is geared towards Kindergarten but can be used in first grade as a review! 

Elementary Incentive bookmarks in frog,owl and Ice cream
An awesome incentive program to get students to keep track of their reading.  Can be used as a reading log at home as well.  

Center activities for the book Edward the Emu
Another crowd favorite! Use this in small groups or as a whole class literacy center.  Enough activities to keep several groups of students occupied! 

Stretch This Sentence journal- Adding details to small sentences.

This activity has 20 days worth of sentences in a booklet form.  The sentences are basic and it is up to the student to add details to stretch them out.  You may have to do a few with them in the beginning but the students are able to handle the concept.  Great for 1st and 2nd grades.  

I have/  Who has sight words grade 1 I have/Who has Sight words grade 2

Two of my favorite games that are geared for the upper grades.   I have shared these with my daughter's teachers and they LOVE it! Click on the photo of each grade to check it all out! 

I try to do my best in pricing and I think I do price fairly.  I keep additional licences really low in the hopes that people will not just randomly share and not pay for the licence.  Please be sure to rate my product and like my store to find out the details on upcoming sales and new products! 

Krafty Teacherz

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sick Teachers!


What a wild year this has been so far! I can't believe how many of my students are sick and how many times they have graciously shared their germs with me.  Today I am home with the stomach bug.  YET again! Apparently this handy little version of the virus leaves you miserable for at least 3 days.  I made the attempt to go to school today and was very excited to make it 1/2 day before I was in miserable pain and had to run from the school in search of a private bathroom! IK- TMI

Anyhow- on my way home I got to thinking...How many times is the average teacher sick? I travel between 3 schools this year and I have been absent a total of 6 times already and it's only November!
A once with a head cold (which NEVER seemed to leave), once when my daughter was sick (it was MY turn) and in the last week of October another one of my darlings shared their PINK EYE! That was good for another 2 days.  Now I am home on a 1/2 day after being home for 2 days prior. I just can't seem to win.

 I HATE to be absent! Honestly- It is more work for a teacher to be absent than if the teacher just sucked it up and went to school.  Sometimes you can't "suck it up".  I tried...epic fail.

So what do you do when you are home from school sick? School work of course! While I was home I have been working on finding some cute phonemic awareness activities I thought I would share with you...So much better than sharing this stomach bug.  Enjoy!

The children hop on a dot as they say each sound in the word. This is great for those kinesthetic learners!

In this cute activity the student jumps on the dots for each sound he hears in a word.  Great for my students that are a little active.  

Lego Syllable Counting Activity (from This Reading Mama)

How cute is this! Counting syllables with lego bricks!

Letter Sounds Tic Tac Toe ~ a playful way to get kids to listen for beginning letter sounds in words | This Reading Mama

Love that you can use this with beginning and ending sounds.  

Great tool for teaching phoneme segmentation! Video for how to make and use this tool on the blog.
Another idea for phoneme segmentation.  You can never have too many! 

Okay- Headed to the doctors office now.  Hopefully I can make it for a full day tomorrow.  

Krafty Teacherz

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fall craft ideas for teachers grades K-4

Hello again! It's been a wild first few weeks of school.  I haven't had the opportunity to post and I do apologize for that but hopefully now the craziness will begin to settle and I can give you some more great ideas to use in your classroom.  

I was looking for a great way to incorporate the look of fall trees in the room.  I noticed that a fellow teacher had a really cool paper bag tree in her classroom and that got me thinking....Then of course I found this pin on Pinterest and I figured I would share.  I added the link to the original blog post so you can get more detailed ideas.  One thing I might add would be to have the students make thumbprint "leaves" in fall colors and hang them from the branches.  

DIY: Tree from paper bag. Did these in my classroom and I had the kids dip their fingertips in fall colored paint (white during winter) then touch the branches. Great 3D art project!

OMG in LOVE this one! Especially if you have an owl theme in your room! 

Spring is my favorite time for kids crafts. So many pretty colors. These are all easy spring crafts for kids.11 Halloween crafts for kids - Today's Parent

Well isn't this just adorable! So easy to do too! 

Halloweenpotje: Je pakt een klein tuinpotje en zet het ondersteboven, je schildert hem zo als op het plaatje en dan teken je er een gezichtje op, maar je kan ook voor de ogen van die wiebelogen doen en als laatste doe je er een touwtje aan vast...

Kinda easy- Kinda self explanatory.  Really like! I would recommend doing this in a two day process.   Those plates need a lot of time to dry! 

fall crafts for kids -

OK admit it- This is different! I don't think I have seen this done in a classroom before.  I kinda like the hands on idea.  Especially if you are doing a farm visit and going through a corn maze.  Would like to give the kiddos an idea of what actually grew on those stalks.  

preschool fall crafts | Kids' Crafts - Fall & Thanksgiving - Corn Collage Decoration - Kaboose ...   Handprint Corn Cob from Craftulate

Ahh yes it's also sunflower season here in the north east.  Can't forget those beauties! 

Sunflower Cupcake Liner Craft. This is a fun way to practice fine motor skills and scissor skills. From Sugar Aunts.Coffee Filter Sunflowers

The fall time just lends itself to so many different ideas and the best things to make with your students are things that are found in nature,  I know that as a parent I tend to hang a lot of my kiddos art work but the ones that last longer on the walls or fridge are the seasonal pieces.   

Monday, September 1, 2014

My new favorite books!

Hello! Today I want to share with you my three favorite books! All three are relatively newly published and all are about one of my favorite subjects....Dogs! The coolest thing is that the authors from each of these books are from northwest Connecticut!

Here's #1! Macy's ABC Cross- Country Adventure by Susan M. Goodenough.  I love this book because I followed the authors Facebook posts as she and her husband were travelling across America with their camper.   Macy is the adorable pup of Susan and Paul Goodenough.
Click on book in Amazon sidebar to purchase.

Amazon description: 
What better way to see and learn new things than by having fun while gaining new knowledge with a new friend?In this book, follow the adventures of a dog named Macy as she introduces you to the alphabet and the wonderful things to learn about the United States. Accompany Macy as she travels from state to state all the way from Connecticut to Ida-ho and learn about the alphabet along the way.

My second favorite book is Roxy's Forever Home by Teresa Pelham.  I met Mrs. Pelham and Roxy during a school tour in Plainville, CT.  Two of the main characters in the book is a mom named Melissa and her daughter named Emily.  Consequentially we ended up adopting our own Roxy shortly afterward (Although she is of the feline persuasion).  You can go to for information on rescue heroes who save thousands of dogs every year.  

Click on book in amazon sidebar to purchase

Amazon Description:
 "Roxy's Forever Home" is a children's book based on a rescue dog's journey from the streets of Tennessee to her forever home in Connecticut. A portion of proceeds from the sale of this beautiful hardcover book will go directly to dog rescuers. The main character of the book is a little brown dog, who is now a certified therapy dog. Each copy is signed by both the author and Roxy herself.

My third favorite today is another rescue story and it is called: Neville: A Dog With A Secret. by Stephanie Ferguson.  Animal lover Stephanie Ferguson was drawn to the plight of shelter dogs when she and her husband adopted Neville.  Upon learning that up to twenty percent of adopted dogs are returned to the shelter, she was inspired to write this informative and eye-opening children's book.  When you buy this book, not only will Neville donate 100% of the proceeds to Passion 4 Paws, he will autograph the book for you. Just note the name of the recipient in the box at check-out.

Neville is being adopted.  But his secret could destroy his chance at a "forever" home. Humorous and playful, but delivering an important message on the responsibilities of pet adoption, this is the sort of book children of all ages will enjoy over and over.  Join Neville as he discovers no one is perfect, but with a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work, dreams really can come true.
All of these books would make an amazing addition for your classroom! I know I will be sharing these books with my students this year.  If you are interested I believe all of these authors are available for your school or daycare programs.  I assume they charge a fee but you never know unless you call.     

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Book Sale! A great opportunity to increase your classroom library! FREE SHIPPING!

Hello! I am so excited that I found this deal! Thrift Books is offering a buy 3 get one free Back to School sale. So you buy 3 books.  If the three books are from the same seller (very easy to do- you'll see once you check it out) then you get .50 off each additional book.

1st book= full price (I say full price but it is really inexpensive)
2nd book- Same seller- .50 off
3rd book- same seller- .50 off
4th book- FREE!

That is an awesome deal- Just saying!

This is not a book club or anything like that.  Just a really decent site that gets you great books at a low price.   I have been using them for two years now to purchase books for my Kindergarten students I work with and they are always prompt with delivery.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shhhh! Another Teacher's Pay Teacher's Sale!

WOW! Can you believe it? For the first time EVER Teacher's Pay Teacher's is offering a second opportunity to get quality merchandise at a discount price.  

My store will be on sale for 20% plus the additional 10% TPT is offering!!! Not a bad deal if I do say so myself! 

300 × 250

I have many literacy items available in my store.  Here are a few of my favorites! 

 click here
click here
Very cool journal pages with pre-made prompts for the first month of school. A great way to get to know your students as well as assess their writing capabilities.    

I need to work on this cover- haven't fallen in love with it yet but the inside is amazing! Teach your students how to expand their writing one sentence at a time.  Work with them to add information now will result in less time consuming conferences later.   

Sight word build it Kindergarten/ First grade

My most pinned item! Love this as a center activity. 
  Keep posted I will be creating more of these during the school year! 

~~~~~Here are a few hidden gems~~~~

Center activities for the book Edward the Emu

Who doesn't love Edward??

Ladybug Informational Writing Unit
click here
Perfect for Spring- Get a jump start NOW while it's on SALE! 

It's Mine- Center Activities based on the book by Leo Lionni
click here
Leo Lionni's Birthday is in May! Get it now at a discount! 

Frog Informational Writing Unit (non-fiction)
click here
Another awesome treasure.  Comes complete with book suggestions and a discount place to buy them!

Check out all these and more at my Teacher's Pay Teacher's store! 

Please remember that for everything you purchase you can get TPT points.  Just click on MY TPT then MY PURCHASES.  There will be a list of every item you have downloaded.  Next to each item will say provide feedback.  Give positive feedback for that item and you will get points that you can use towards future purchases.  I save my points for the sales because you get more bang for the buck! 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Classroom ideas on a budget

I have been looking for inexpensive ways to make classrooms easier to manage.  I found a few but any suggestions would be helpful.  

Bookmark for interactive perfect is this?
Bookmark for interactive notebooks! What a quick and simple solution.  A lot of this kind of ribbon can be found at yard sales and who wouldn't like cool duct tape.  Students can even assemble this themselves.  Wish I knew this when I taught fourth grade.  Totally loved waiting forever for students to find the next page- NOT! 

Put names on mailboxes with binder clips
How many times have I had to fix those tags on the classroom mailboxes.   What a great idea to use binder clips to identify who belongs to which slot.  I also had students who used to get confused as to which box was theirs- The one above or below the clip.  I may add an arrow just to show which box.  

 Abc center: matching uppercase and lower case letters
Cute and inexpensive way to have students match upper and lower case letters.  This would make an awesome center activity.  You can also use this for addition/subtraction facts.  
Love this idea for students to show that they need help. They clip their clothespin to the sleeve and keep working.
Okay so I have pinned this several times.  Totally LOVE this idea! 
Stops the line from forming over and over again. 

Where's the bear? Sight word practice
I LOVE these little cups! Can't wait until the end of summer when I can get some in plastic! I use these for sight word practice all the time.  This is a cute activity involving the bear.  I usually just write the sight word on the bottom of the cup and allow the student to read them off.  For every one they get right they get to hold the cup.  Afterward they make a pyramid with the words they know.