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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

rainbow loom bracelets as incentives in the classroom.

I am a travelling teacher (sounds like I'm selling snake oil) so I have to keep my entourage to a minimum. Some days I get to bring in a lot of stuff depending on if we are doing an arts and crafts activity but sadly I usually don't get to carry much.  One thing I like to do at home and bring in as an incentive are those rainbow loom bracelets. You would not believe the amount of work you can get out of a kindergarten kiddo using a rainbow loom bracelet as the proverbial carrot.

Here are a few of the bracelets I have created.   They do not have to be as elaborate but more funky=more work from the kiddo.

Some creation I made up I think? 

The Bird of Paradise

The Warrior

I am also not the type of person who can learn something like this from looking at a book and figuring it out.  Isn't that why You Tube was invented? Here are a couple of links to help you get started.

Bird of Paradise bracelet
Shamrock bracelet
and my favorite The Warrior

They really don't take a long time to make.  We RV a lot so while we are on the road I usually make a ton of bracelets and store them for the upcoming year.   I also make them while watching TV (makes those scary movies a little more bearable)

Well I hope this helps.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. :)

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